Managing Healthy Skin

If you’re looking for new and improved ways to have youthful, glowing skin, you’re in the right place! At Take Shape Plastic Surgery, aesthetics is what we do, and that includes using state-of-the-art equipment for cosmetic procedures. One of the most popular items out there right now is the C02 Laser. The C02 Laser is short for the Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser. Now, you might be wondering what all that entails. Essentially, the machine aids in removing layers of skin in order to make room for new skin cells to come through. This method helps with:

  • Age Spots
  • Sun Freckles
  • Liver Spots
  • Fine Lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Scarring
  • Uneven Skin colors

C02 Laser

The Benefits

One of the most significant benefits of using a C02 Laser is that it’s great for those who are looking to have one session and be done. Lasers often scare people away because of the countless sessions it takes to see a result. With the C02 Laser, one treatment is like having numerous treatments at once. The downside is that the healing process can be almost a week to two weeks. However, if you have the time, it’s worth the extra time off of work and activities. The additional healing time can act as a mini vacation, giving you time to work on computer items, things around the house, and so much more. By the time you step back out into the world, people will be wondering what skincare routine you’re using looking that good!

In-Office Procedure

The laser is an in-office procedure, though there are medications that are offered before and after to ensure that the healing process goes smoothly. If you’re wondering about the pain levels after the treatment, you can rest at ease knowing that many people describe the pain as a bad sunburn. Fortunately, there are plenty of ointments to apply, like a sunburn, that can relieve some of the stings.

Are You a Good Candidate?

There are numerous reasons for people to look into the C02 Laser, but most of the patients tend to have heavily wrinkled skin, excessive sagging, uneven pigmentation, age spots, and more. The procedure is done by disturbing some areas of the skin and leaving others intact to help the healing process. The intact layers act as reinforcement for the sections that are fresh, new, and rejuvenating.

Is C02 Laser For Me?

If you’re wondering whether or not the C02 Laser is for you, reach out to the experts at Take Shape Plastic Surgery today. Our team has years of experience in cosmetic surgery. We also carry state of the art equipment to bring you the results you’re desiring. Aging brings more wisdom, but that doesn’t mean that one has to look their age. To feel confident for many years to come, the C02 Laser will help you reach your goals. The procedure needs repeating every year or so, but with the beautiful and vibrant complexion that will take place, it’s well worth the investment! At Take Shape Plastic Surgery, our double-board certified medical professionals are excited to help you achieve youthful, glowing, and rejuvenated skin. Call our wonderful team at (954) 585 – 3800 for more information and to book an appointment.

Virtual Consultations Available

Can’t make it to our office? Experience the convenience of virtual consultations. Schedule a virtual appointment to discuss your goals from the comfort of your home.